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Annual Conference


BPPA Annual Conference 2024 – Programme

(Tentative/Save the Date)


The 2024 BPPA Annual Conference is scheduled to take place at the University of Manchester on the 17th and 18th of October 2024. It is open to all postgraduates, not just BPPA members, and we have no restrictions on the subject of submissions, though we aim to collate topical presentations in sessions together. We aim to have 50% applied philosophy and 50% theoretical philosophy represented at the conference (in addition to selecting speakers in accordance with SWIP/BPA Good Practice). 


The conference will be organized into 8 main sessions over 2 days, each with 4 speakers who will have 25 minutes to present and take questions (with hybrid or wholly-online sessions available depending on submissions). This means we will have 32 graduate student speakers, making this one of largest graduate conferences in the world. This also represents a significant increase in the number of student speakers from the 2023 BBPA Annual Conference, in large part initiated as a response to the huge number of abstract submissions we received last year. In response to member feedback and considerable internal Executive Committee discussion, we have decided to keep presentations shorter and increase the number of speakers, rather than reducing the number of speakers and increasing the length of presentations.


We want to give graduate students a diverse conference experience so, as well as giving them the opportunity to give a conventional presentation, we are organizing a roundtable at the end of the conference. Because 2024 is shaping up to be a major year for democracy, we have chosen to host the roundtable on the topic of democracy with a view to discussion mainly taking place in terms of applied ethics and political philosophy, but also welcoming multidisciplinary perspectives from political science and political theory.


One of our two keynote speakers will be speaking on the subject of democracy and will make valuable contributions to the roundtable; the other will speak (primarily) on applied philosophy. We have not yet secured keynote speakers. We also have an hour-long career session where all attendees will have the opportunity to ask senior academics questions, such as how to get a postdoc, how to get published, and so on.


Stay tuned to this webpage and to our regular BPPA Member Newsletters for announcements about the speaker line-up, call for papers, registration, etc.  


If you have any immediate questions, please contact us at



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