The BPPA conducted its Executive Committee elections from August 5th to August 7th, with all BPPA members eligible to vote. The following are the results of the election:
Pablo Dopico Fernandez, King’s College London - 73.3% ELECTED
Abstain - 26.7%
Vice President:
B.V.E. Hyde - 26.7%
Ruodan Que, King’s College London - 66.7% ELECTED
Abstain - 6.7%
George Gulliver, King’s College London - 46.7% ELECTED
Anna McDermott - 13.3%
Abstain - 40%
Communications Officer:
Jeff Hawley, York St John University - 80% ELECTED
Abstain - 20%
Democracy and Outreach Officer:
George Gulliver - 0%
Premkrishna Narayana-Pai - 26.7%
Bethany M. Smith, University College London - 33.3% ELECTED
Abstain - 40%
Events Coordinator:
Anna McDermott, Queen's University Belfast - 66.7% ELECTED
Abstain - 33.3%
Diversity and Inclusion Officer:
Premkrishna Narayana-Pai, The London School of Economics and Political Science - 33.3% ELECTED
Bethany M. Smith - 26.7%
Abstain 40%
The elected candidates are as follows:
President: Pablo Dopico Fernandez, King’s College London
Vice-President: Ruodan Que, King’s College London
Secretary: George Gulliver, King’s College London
Communications Officer: Jeff Hawley, York St John University
Democracy and Outreach Officer: Bethany M. Smith, University College London
Events Coordinator: Anna McDermott, Queen's University Belfast
Diversity and Inclusion Officer: Premkrishna Narayana-Pai, The London School of Economics and Political Science
On behalf of the outgoing BPPA committee, leaving President Bin Liu would like to express gratitude to the Philosophy postgraduate community in the UK, especially BPPA members, for their support of our association’s work. We also extend our best wishes to the incoming committee.